270 Brannan: Future Home of Splunk
On Thursday January 28th, the 270 Brannan/Splunk team held an All Hands Meeting in San Francisco. The team started with an All Hands Meeting presentation, shared historical data about the site formerly being a Chinese fishing village in the 1850s, and unforeseen conditions during demolition such as finding an underground tank and chain. Upon completion, the building finishes will be composed of 28 different paint colors, 21 different carpets, 14 drapery styles, and 12 vinyl tile colors.
After the presentation, attendees were given a floor-to-floor tour of the $55M dollar project. The 202,103 SF, seven-story, Class A office building will also include a one-story below-grade parking garage. The courtyard features a signature open-glass rooftop canopy and outdoor seating with landscaping which includes a water feature and living greenery plant wall. The architect for Core and Shell is Pfau Long and the architect for the office space (TI) is Nichols-Booth and the owner is SKS Investments.
Want to learn more about the project? Go to: http://www.270brannan.com