2000 Days
On Wednesday, January 21, Dick Walterhouse hosted a lunch for the Hawaii region in recognition of reaching 2000 days without a recordable injury. He kicked off the lunch be expressing that, “To go 5 ½ years without a recordable injury is a remarkable achievement. I am extremely proud of the hard work and efforts of everyone in Hawaii.”
Even though the employees in Hawaii are aware of the significance of the streak, no one seems to remember the exact date it started. According to Hawaii’s safety person, Gaylord Yoshimura, he believes it started sometime around August 2009. “It was never our intention to strive for numbers. We focused on one day at a time and made a commitment to just get through each day. We left it up to others to track the totals. Before you know it, the numbers just added up.”
A major reason for their success is that field operations collaborate as a team to determine the most efficient and effective way to perform activities. Each person, from the newest employee/apprentice, through the entire project team, up to the Superintendent has an open forum to discuss thoughts and concerns regarding condition faced in the field. The focus is always on finding new successful approaches.