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Touring the Fastcap Facility, Part III

As the morning huddle came to a close, the Pankow team was able to get a strong sense of the culture at FastCap. “Ownership is one of the 21 Principals – everyone owns the process, owns their role and brings value to the culture,” said Lee Hopkinson.

The meeting ended and the FastCap team gave real-time feedback to the facilitator Kathy. With a raise of hands, they collectively rated her on factors that included passion, prepared, engaging, asking questions, smooth transitions, humor and control. “The point of the grade is to give the employees an indicator of areas for improvement. FastCap employees are open to constructive feedback because they all support one another and want to improve” said Kim Lum. This commitment to improvement is evident because FastCap employees have a new 2 second improvement every meeting. Improvements are filtered using 4 criteria before they are implemented:

o Safety

o Quality

o Simplicity

o Speed

The Pankow team encourages you to think about these criteria during your personal improvement time.
