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Pankow Warriors volunteer at SF Child Abuse Prevention Center

In recognition of the vital importance of protecting San Francisco’s children, Pankow and IIDA NC dedicated significant time and resources to upgrade the San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center’s home, a former firehouse, built in 1895. Renovations have enabled the Center to offer a safer, more inviting and accessible place for vulnerable children and families. Each year, the Prevention Center serves 15,000 parents, children and providers by offering one-on-one services, educating the community and building city-wide connections and partnerships.

In 2013, “when we learned of the Prevention Center’s need, we welcomed the opportunity to jump in,” said Scott Anderson. “For Pankow, continuing to stay engaged with the community through contributions and volunteerism is a direct reflection of the company’s values. It’s a very important part of our business and our 50th anniversary celebration.”

Pankow Warriors have been generously volunteering their time and cooking skills ever since. On May 19, 2015, a group of 6 Pankow volunteers prepared a delicious pesto pasta meal for the Center’s families.
