Pankow Warriors donated toys and gifts to the SF Child Abuse Prevention Center
Pankow has enjoyed developing our relationship with SFCAPC since we helped renovate their space in 2013 as part of Pankow's 50th Anniversary Community Project. Since then, Tanya Kelly (Safety & Claims Administrator) has been coordinating volunteer opportunities at the Center to cook and serve dinners to families in the community. This holiday season, SFCAPC was thrilled to receive gift cards totaling $200, and lots of toys!
"Seeing the gratitude from the families and knowing they appreciate what we do has been a pleasure for me to support the SFCAPC. I will continue to do my part and volunteers make it that much more fun. I challenge everyone to volunteer at least once. When you leave the old fire house, there is a sense of satisfaction that you have done something nice for someone." Tanya Kelly